Harvesting feasibility of rain water in buildings

Cüneyt Kurtay, Parya Najifar


Nowadays, population is rapidly growing especially in urban areas and sufficient water supply and harvesting has changed to an urgent and important challenge to develop equal access to water and social needs. The main reasons of lack of water concern in most areas of the world are increased population, environmental pollution, costs and uncontrolled consumption of water, climate changes since the water is consumed in the cycle without return and completion although water is a renewable source. Various new technologies are developed to overcome such a problem in alternative sources for water. Rain water is of great importance due to its quality, purity, PH amount, its content salt and minerals. However, due to lower quality and insufficiency of ground and gray water, rainwater it becomes more important. Present research paper investigates water harvesting feasibility in different countries of the world through considering structures in the underlying study areas. Then an approach was presented as a solution for designers and users with design criteria for the use of rain and gray water in the field of construction. In this approach, the case structure is discussed. Rain waters and gray waters usage sufficiency are discussed in this study according to the sample buildings’ position in the world.


Keyword: Rain water Gray water Green building Water usage

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21533/pen.v6i1.197


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ISSN: 2303-4521

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/pen

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