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C S, Chethan Kumar, MSRIT
Caicedo, Eduardo, Universidad del Valle
Caiza, Pablo, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
Cakula, Sarma, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
Caliskan, Adem
Calvache, César Jesús Pardo
Camcı, Erdal
Campos Celador, Alvaro, Universidad del País Vasco
Campos Celador, Alvaro, Universidad del Pais Vasco
Can, Mehmet, International University of Sarajevo
Can, Umit, Munzur University
Canli, Eyub
Canoğlu, Mustafa Can, Sinop University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Environmental Engineering Department, Sinop/TURKEY
Capitanu, Lucian, Romanian Academy, Institute of Solid Mechanics of the Romanian Academy
Caramihai, Simona Iuliana, Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science, University Politehnica of Bucharest
Cardenas-Arias, C. G., Unidades Tecnologicas de Santander University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
Cartagena Calderon, Diego Armando, Investigador en Unidades Tecnologías de Santander UTS - Grupo de Investigación en Diseño y Materiales – DIMAT - Santander - Bucaramanga Colombia
Castellanos-Hernández, Jonatan Fernando, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga
Castillo Leon, Nilson Yulian, GISEAC – Energy systems, automation, and control research group, Unidades Tecnológicas de Santander
Castillo-Leon, N. Y., Unidades Tecnológicas de Santander
Catovic, Alan, University of Sarajevo Mechanical Engineering Faculty Defense Technologies Department
Catovic, Alan, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, University of Sarajevo
Catovic, Alan, Defense technology Department, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, University of Sarajevo
Catovic, Alan, University of Sarajevo Mechanical Engineering Faculty
Cazzato, Gerardo
Cebeci, Halil İbrahim, Sakarya University
Celebi Efe, Fatma Gözde, Sakarya University, Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering
Celik, Cenk
Cengiz Toklu, Merve, Sakarya University
Ceocea, C.
Cetin, Numan Sabit, Ege University
Ceylan, Zeynep, 1 and 2
Chaabouni, Sihem
Chafat, Osamah H.
Chaikovskyi, Andrii, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical Oil and Gas University
Chaiti, Hammadi Chaiti
Chakchak, Jamel, Solar Energy Institute, Ege University
Chalabayev, Berik M., Department of Industrial, Civil and Road Construction, М. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University
Chaloob, Ismael Hadi
Chams Eddoha, Mokhlis, Hassan II university
Chandan, K.
Chandra, Sarath S.
Changder, Suvamoy, National Institute of Technology Durgapur
Chanifah, ,
Chansanam, Wirapong
Chechina, Antonina, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS
Chehaidia, Seif Eddine, Laboratoire de recherche en risque contrôle et surete (L2RCS), Badji mokhtar university
Chen, Zheming, Ningbo University
Cherif, Hakima, LGEB laboratory, department of electrical engineering, Universityof Biskra
Cherniavska, Tetiana A., Department of Finance, Accounting and Logistics, State University of Applied Sciences in Konin

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