Soft public key cipher

Ameer A. J. AL-Swidi, Enas Hamood Al-Saadi, Lamis Hamood Al-Saadi


Encryption in general is the process of keeping up the secrecy of data (both fixed and versatile) utilizing programs that can Convert and make an interpretation of that data into codes so that whenever got to by unapproved people doesn't They can comprehend anything since what appears to them is a blend of images, numbers and unlimited characters, the file is encrypted And decryption by password, which must be known to both parties (sender and receiver) This is called With symmetric encryption, Decryption means decryption. The quality and viability of encryption rely upon two key factors: the algorithm, and the key length evaluated by Bit, the higher the bit, the greater the security and difficulty of decrypting. The concept of soft set was studied and applied on the public key cryptography like simple Knapsack and Trapdoor Knapsack ciphers. Significant results were presented that was the measure of the evaluate encryption using the SNR and PSNR.


Soft simple Knapsack, Soft trapdoor Knapsack, SNR, PSNR

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Copyright (c) 2019 Ameer A. J. AL-Swidi, Enas Hamood Al-Saadi, Lamis Hamood Al-Saadi

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ISSN: 2303-4521

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/pen

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