Study of the impact of special educational programmes on the psycho-emotional well-being of students

Mira Iskakova, Sandugash Kaldygozova, Akkenzhe Ussenova, Ainura Junissova, Almira Shomanbaeva


The purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of special educational programmes on the psychological and emotional development of higher education students. To achieve this goal, survey methods were used (200 participants). The method of content analysis was used to study the scientific literature on this issue. The results show that the use of modern programmes has led to a number of organisational challenges related to ensuring a stable Internet connection and limited opportunities to acquire practical skills that are important for many specialities. This situation caused particular anxiety among students. The study showed that students generally have a positive perception of the use of modern technologies and methods. However, there are also negative aspects of constant interaction with the digital environment, such as atomisation, problems with soft skills development, the risk of emotional burnout, etc. Overcoming these challenges is possible through the evolution of the organisation of the educational process. The creation of smaller academic groups of students provides opportunities for deeper interaction and the development of relevant communication skills. The conclusions emphasise that the development and implementation of new methods that can quickly adapt to modern educational environments is a promising area for further research.


Higher education, Psychological state, Emotional state, Digitalization, Students.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Mira Iskakova, Sandugash Kaldygozova, Akkenzhe Ussenova, Ainura Junissova, Almira Shomanbaeva

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