A novel nomadic people optimizer-based energy-efficient routing for WBAN

Adnan Yousif Dawod, Baqer A Hakim, Ahmed Dheyaa Radhi, Zinah S. Jabbar, Jamal Fadhil Tawfeq, Poh Soon JosephNg


In response to user demand for wearable devices, several WBAN deployments now call for effective communication processes for remote data monitoring in real time. Using sensor networks, intelligent wearable devices have exchanged data that has benefited in the evaluation of possible security hazards. If smart wearables in sensor networks use an excessive amount of power during data transmission, both network lifetime and data transmission performance may suffer. Despite the network's effective data transmission, smart wearable patches include data that has been combined from several sources utilizing common aggregators. Data analysis requires careful network lifespan control throughout the aggregation phase. By using the Nomadic People Optimizer-based Energy-Efficient Routing (NPO-EER) approach, which effectively allows smart wearable patches by minimizing data aggregation time and eliminating routing loops, the network lifetime has been preserved in this research. The obtained findings showed that the NPO method had a great solution. Estimated Aggregation time, Energy consumption, Delay, and throughput have all been shown to be accurate indicators of the system's performance.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21533/pen.v11i3.3580


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Copyright (c) 2023 Adnan Yousif Dawod, Baqer A Hakim, Ahmed Dheyaa Radhi, Zinah S. Jabbar, Jamal Fadhil Tawfeq, Poh Soon JosephNg

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