A new intelligent hybrid encryption algorithm for IoT data based on modified PRESENT-Speck and novel 5D chaotic system

Haider K. Hoomod, Jolan Rokan Naif, Israa S. Ahmed


Modern application based on IoT sensors/devices are growth in several fields. In several cases, the sensing data needs to be secure in transmission to control / administrator side. In this paper, the proposed secure Internet of Things data sensing and proposed algorithms will be explained, based on the main overarching novel 5-D Hyper chaotic system and new encryption mechanisms (contains hybrid encryption and two modified encryption algorithms) controlled by Fuzzy rules. The encryption mechanism combined by using the structure of PRESENT and SPECK algorithm with novel 5-D chaotic system. Also, for encryption will use the modified mechanisms of Round steps in PRESENT algorithm by SPEECK which were adopted on an IoT sensing data transferring.
This proposed system provides a high level of security for any sensitive information that may be generated from sensors that may be installed in an important location to protect buildings and offices from theft by making certain modifications to the algorithms necessary to maintain the safety and security of the information, etc., which must be protected from Attacks. This system is designed to be effective in providing security features for data contents that include confidentiality, authentication and non-repudiation, and is compatible with all types of remote sensing data and sensors to send the final notification to the final administrator view.
The proposed system is designed to provide users with high flexibility and ease in managing change operations, speeding up encryption operations and intruding the contents of message packets (types and forms of different sensor data) at the point of origin and decrypting and checking packet integrity messages upon receipt. These features make users of this system more confident with each other. The proposed encryption mechanism and novel chaotic system passed different testes. The generated chaos key space at least 22560probable different combinations of the secret keys to break the system used brute force attack.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21533/pen.v8i4.1738


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Copyright (c) 2020 Haider K. Hoomod, Jolan Rokan Naif, Israa S. Ahmed

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ISSN: 2303-4521

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/pen

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License