GIS risk analysis of a first-degree seismic zone: Kaynaşlı (Turkey)

Hanifi Tokgöz, Hüseyin Bayraktar


This study aimed to analyze the land survey maps and existing data to determine the vulnerable areas of the Kaynaşlı districts at risk in terms of natural disaster, as Kaynaşlı is located in a first-degree seismic zone. This three-phase study analyzed geological-geotechnical survey reports via the geographic information system (GIS) and applied them to Kaynaşlı Municipality in Düzce Province (Turkey). First, a non- digital raster suitability map based on a 2005 Kaynaşlı Municipality report was digitized via ArcGIS and used to conduct natural disaster risk analyses of Kaynaşlı. The 2112 buildings covered by the suitability map were then scanned and inventory information generated for each. Finally, using ArcGIS software, the digitized inventory information was superimposed on the suitability map. In Kaynasli, a total 2112 buildings were examined via street screening and their risk status was identified in terms of the terrain. Disaster and risk ratios were calculated and vulnerable areas were pinpointed. All the information obtained from the results of the analyses was shared with the local authorities. According to the physical inventory information, a sustainable data bank was created with the purpose of facilitating the necessary measures for disaster preparedness to be taken by the local authorities in Kaynaşlı. The model of this Kaynaşlı natural disaster risk study could be applied in other communities to assist in identifying vulnerable settlement areas.


Geographic information system; Settlement suitability; Disaster; Street screening

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Copyright (c) 2018 Hanifi Tokgöz, Hüseyin Bayraktar

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ISSN: 2303-4521

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/pen

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