Competitiveness of the national economy: Current aspects of management

Nataliia Kuprina, Khrystyna Baraniuk, Kateryna Vaskovska


The study has allowed to systematize the classification of levels of competitiveness depending on the hierarchy of the object of study in the national economic system, as well as to highlight the level of the research of the object of competitiveness taking into account the functioning of the business entity, to identify the pattern between the competitiveness of the national economy of the country and its subjects - enterprises. The considered approach to the structuring of research activities of an enterprise as an economic object, allows you to select the internal and external competitiveness of the enterprise depending on the level of its assessment, which requires the formation of a system of indicators for its assessment. In the context of the study, another aspect of the analysis of the essence of competitiveness is the study of existing methods of its assessment at the enterprise, and as a result of suggestions for improvements, a methodical approach to the analysis of the competitiveness of an industrial enterprise, taking into account factors influencing the external environment in which it operates - CEF analysis allows you to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the competence and efficiency of the enterprise with the help of a system of performance indicators, to identify reserves and develop recommendations to ensure its competitiveness. Effective management of enterprise competitiveness is possible through the improvement of the structure of the organizational and economic system of managing it, described and improved by us.


Competitiveness; Methods of evaluation; Subjects of the national economy; The national economy.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Nataliia Kuprina, Khrystyna Baraniuk, Kateryna Vaskovska

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