Management of investment processes in social capital: A conceptual approach to assessment

Karina Nemashkalo, Olga Myronova, Denys Kipa


Any social problems need to be solved first of all by investment methods: creating new jobs (innovative training and retraining of employees), increasing labor productivity and increasing real wages, and raising the economic interest of employees and entrepreneurs in the highly efficient use of accumulated total human capital (the life quality improving). These methods should contribute raising the level of trust in society. Due to the generalization of theoretical and practical studies, the classification of income types from accumulation into social capital, conditions and causes of its formation are generalized. It is determined that management of investment processes in social capital is impossible without qualitative and quantitative assessment of investments. The comprehensive system of social investment assessment at the macro-, meso- and microeconomic levels is presented. A quantitative aspect of this system involves a direct assessment of the enterprises’ financial costs in the region for social programs and initiatives. The qualitative aspect is related to the assessment of the completeness and complexity degree of the investment process. The given system of assessment will allow identifying the main problems in the social investment management.


social capital; human capital; social investments; assessment; management

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