A new architecture for monitoring land use and land cover change based on remote sensing and GIS: A data mining approach

Younes Oubrahim, Sara Lbazri, Soumaya Ounacer, Amina Rachik, Reda Moulouki, Mohamed Azzouazi


The issue of land use (LU) and land cover change (LCC) has become crucial around the world in recent years, not only for researchers, but also for urban planners and environmentalists who advocate sustainable land use in the future. In Morocco, this phenomenon affects large areas and is all the more pronounced because the climate is arid with cycles of increasing drought and soils are poor and highly vulnerable to erosion. In addition, the precarious living conditions of rural populations pushes them to over exploit natural resources to meet their growing needs, which further amplifies environmental degradation. In this LU/LCC monitoring context, this paper aims on one hand at giving a clear survey of classical methods and techniques used to monitor LU/LCC, on other hand the authors propose a new architecture whose objective is to integer data mining techniques to the LU/LCC monitoring in order to automatically and efficiently improve the monitoring, control and asset management in LU/LCC


Land use; Land cover change; GIS; Satellite imagery; Dataminng techniques;

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21533/pen.v6i2.534


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Copyright (c) 2019 Younes OUBRAHIM, Sara Lbazri, Soumaya Ounacer, Amina Rachik, Reda Moulouki, Mohamed Azzouazi

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ISSN: 2303-4521

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/pen

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