Improving best route using intelligent Ad Hoc system

Adil M. Salman, Israa Ezzat Salem


This study aims to studing possibility transferring data with short time, without or liitle cost and minimum lost of data This study attempts to find a system with high performance in sending and receiving message between nodes minimum lost with information using a genetic algorithm to improve this advantage. Main problem of our study with the system is how to decrease (cost and time) and improve it by intelligent function with GA create two or more back up of distributed node depend on time; route calculation saves as a backup map to direct switch without any delay when simulation execution indicated good result. Simulation results are carried out for both algorithms using MATLAB. The goal of our paper is process of data transferring with the most important three factors less expensive, less time and the least possible loss of transferred data.


Ad hoc Genetic algorithm Fitness Function

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Copyright (c) 2019 Adil M. Salman, Israa Ezzat Salem Ezzat Salem

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ISSN: 2303-4521

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/pen

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