The quality of disclosure of accounting information and its impact on financial performance and its determinants based on accounting information systems: A study on a sample of companies listed on the Iraqi stock exchange

Mohammed Mushref Hammad AL-Swaidawi, Houda BenMabrouk


The study aimed to understand and clarify the quality of disclosure of accounting information and its impact on financial performance in many companies including technological and engineering companies and its determinants by relying on accounting information systems, where the independent variable represents the quality of disclosure of accounting information in its dimensions: (disclosure of social and environmental responsibility, disclosure of internal control items and audit operations, disclosure of information future, and disclosure of financial information), and the dependent variable is financial performance and its determinants.
The research community consisted of Iraq Stock Exchange companies, and the companies with the highest market value were selected and were represented by five companies: (Zain Iraq, Asia Cell, Bank of Baghdad, Baghdad Soft Drinks Company Pepsi Baghdad, National Bank of Iraq), where 350 questionnaires were distributed to A group of employees, experts, and investors collected data on the variables of the study. A random sampling equation was used to determine the sample size necessary to obtain accurate and reliable results. 345 questionnaires were retrieved, suitable for analysis. The descriptive analytical approach was adopted to achieve the objectives of the study. The most important of which is: a positive evaluation of the quality of accounting disclosure, with room for improvement. The positive evaluation indicates awareness among companies of the importance of transparency and accountability in enhancing trust between them and investors and shareholders. The positive evaluation also shows companies' efforts to apply international accounting standards and provide accurate and reliable financial information. The reason for this assessment is the adoption of international accounting standards and effective supervision by regulatory authorities.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammed Mushref Hammad AL-Swaidawi, Houda BenMabrouk

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ISSN: 2303-4521

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/pen

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