Role of digital knowledge in employees’ capacity building in the Jordanian telecommunications companies

Manal Ali Almarashdah


The study aimed to figure out the impact of the digital knowledge in the employees' capacity building in the Jordanian telecommunications companies. The researcher used the descriptive, analytical approach and the study population consisted of the employees in the Jordanian telecommunications companies (n. 250). The researcher adopted a random sample consisting of (160) administrators. The study instrument consisted of a questionnaire that was distributed electronically where (114) questionnaires were retrieved for the statistical analysis. Also, the researcher used some statistical approaches, most prominent of which are the inflation coefficients test of variance, skeweness coefficients and one-way ANOVA analysis. The study concluded various results, most important of which is that the independent variable (digital knowledge) received a high importance raging (4.22-4.33) where the mean was (4.26) followed by the variable "knowledge creation and acquisition" by a mean of (4.33) and finally the variable of the "knowledge society" by a mean of (4.22). The study also showed that the dimensions of the dependent variable (employees' capacity) received a high importance of (4.20-4.22) where the mean was (4.21) followed by the variable of the "sensing capacity" by a mean of (4.22) and finally "the focusing capacity" by a mean of (4.20). The study also pointed to the acceptance of the main hypothesis and its three sub-hypotheses. The study recommends the need for working on publishing the digital culture among the employees and training and developing their skills in line with the requirements of the digital knowledge to cope with its continuous development in a way that makes them able to deal with it without the need to programmers due to its importance.

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ISSN: 2303-4521

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/pen

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