Requirements management in software development companies in Colombia

Lengua-Cantero Claudia, Lambraño Pérez Laudyt, García Medina María, Solorzano Peralta Namuel, Acosta Meza David


Software requirements management is vital in the system analysis stage, so the methods used in software development companies in Colombia were analyzed. The study aimed to explore the techniques used in the software development industry in Colombia for requirements management. It was carried out through a mixed approach of descriptive depth, interviewing five Chief Information Officers (CIOs) in Bogota, Medellin, and Sincelejo. Natural language processing techniques were used for the analysis, finding similarities among the interviewees in terms of software requirements and a positive perception towards requirements analysis; however, differences in requirements management were identified. Companies use hybrid methodologies to develop software projects, integrating principles of agile methodologies and methods such as Scrum and Kanban, while keeping traditional approaches as a base. This trend has an impact on requirements management since it allows greater flexibility and adaptability in the project development process.


Software requirements management, software requirements, software development methodology, software engineering

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ISSN: 2303-4521

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/pen

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