Technology enhanced learning in teachers’ professional development

Lasma Ulmane-Ozolina, Anita Jansone, Ilva Magazeina, Dina Barute


There is a lot of attention focused on the development of digital competency
already in early age. One of the key person is teacher. To develop teachers’
digital skills, technology enhanced learning can be used in their professional
development. There is large change in Latvia’ education system. One of the
changes is subject “Computing” that will be compulsory in all schools from
2019. From 2015 Liepaja University participates in a pilot project for this
purpose and is only one that offers teachers’ professional development
courses for the subject. Article’s aim is to introduce “Computing” course,
mainly the last one what was organized mostly in webinar mode. The article
shows first data from teachers’ survey about their attitude to a webinar. This
is the first article in a series about research made on this course.


Computing; E-learning; TEL; Teachers’ professional development; Webinar

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Copyright (c) 2019 Lasma Ulmane-Ozolina, Anita Jansone, Ilva Magazeina, Dina Barute

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ISSN: 2303-4521

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/pen

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