Optimal emission plan for independent power producers using generation mix to meet Saudi Arabia environmental goals

Amer A. AL-Ghamdi, Yassir A. Alhazmi


The production and use of energy in today's world is heavily reliant on fossil fuels, which is associated with several economic and environmental problems. This study addresses the possibilities of integrating fossil fuel generators with renewable energy systems utilizing various mix-generating scenarios while act as a new emission pricing approach, in line with the current trend towards renewable energy. The suggested carbon incentive scheme includes carbon taxes, carbon permits, and tiers of carbon emissions restrictions (emission factors). The approach seeks to lessen the damaging effects of CO2 emissions on the environment and to compel energy providers to cut back on fossil fuel output and carbon dioxide production. The study, which exclusively analyzes independent Power Producers (IPPs), looks at many desalination facilities in Saudi Arabia that are situated along the Arabian Gulf and Red Sea coasts for 40 years, from 2025 to 2064. The primary objective of the article is to support the best generation mix, taking into account the suggested carbon pricing technique and renewable energy-producing technologies like wind turbines and solar cells, at the chosen locations. The impact of integrating renewable energy on overall costs, including the new price for carbon emissions, is also examined in this study. The impact of various tariffs on supporting the production of renewable energy is covered in the study. The study addresses as well fossil fuel costs. Accordingly, these cost effects on the development of renewable energy sources are investigated additionally. This research has produced a control emission plan for achieving the CO2 limit. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's objectives to achieve zero carbon emissions by 2064 are obtained and presented in a case study. In this suggested work, every case study is modeled using the simulation tool HOMER-GRID.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21533/pen.v12i1.3999


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Copyright (c) 2024 Amer A. AL-Ghamdi, Yassir A. Alhazmi

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ISSN: 2303-4521

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/pen

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