Using numerical simulations for estimating the influence of different parameters of long rod kinetic energy penetrators

Alan Catovic, Faruk Razic


Simulations were performed with long rod kinetic energy penetrators to characterize important parameters used. Hohler & Stilp's experimental results served as the initial validation for the numerical model. Additionally, using numerical simulations, the impact of various (possible) penetrator materials on their penetration depth is illustrated. Additionally, the effects of using a steel jacket (sheath) over the penetrator and the penetrator fineness ratio (L/D) were examined. Research showed that the choice of penetrator material can significantly affect the penetrator's effectiveness. With a penetrator of depleted uranium alloy (0.75% titanium), the maximum penetration depth was attained. It was shown that when increasing the penetrator fineness, the increase in penetrator length has a large influence on penetration depth. Decreasing the penetrator diameter the penetration depth is also decreased. Numerical simulations also showed that to minimize penetration degradation, the penetrator jacket must be relatively thin.


kinetic energy weapon, terminal ballistics

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ISSN: 2303-4521

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/pen

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