Exploring the potential of offline cryptography techniques for securing ECG signals in healthcare

Azmi Shawkat Abdulbaqi, Hussein Ali Hussein Al Naffakh, Sura Abdulmunem Mohammed Al-Juboori, Ahmed Dheyaa Radhi, Jamal Fadhil Tawfeq, Poh Soon JosephNg


In the research, a software for ECG signal based on Chaos encryption based on C#-programmed and Kit of Microsoft Visual Studio Development was implemented. A chaos logic map (ChLMp ) and its initial value are utilized to create Level-1 ECG signal based on Chaos encryption bit streams. A ChLMp, an initial value, a ChLMp bifurcation parameter, and two encryption level parameters are utilized to create level-2 ECG signal based on Chaos encryption bit streams. The level-3 ECG signal based on Chaos encryption software utilizes two parameters for the level of encryption, a permutation mechanism, an initial value, a bifurcation parameter of the level of encryption, and a ChLMp. We assess 16-channel ECG signals with great resolution utilizing encryption software. The level-3 ECG signal based on Chaos encryption program has the slowest and most reliable encryption speed. The encryption effect is superior, according to test findings, and when the right decoding parameter is utilized, the ECG signals may be completely recovered. The high resolution 16-channel ECG signals (HRMCECG) won't be recovered if an invalid input parameter occurred, such as a 0.00001% initial point error, which will result in chaotic encryption bit streams.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21533/pen.v11i3.3604


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Copyright (c) 2023 Azmi Shawkat Abdulbaqi, Hussein Ali Hussein Al Naffakh, Ahmed Dheyaa Radhi, Jamal Fadhil Tawfeq, Poh Soon JosephNg

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ISSN: 2303-4521

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/pen

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