Determination of combined sibship indices using 15 STR loci and a grey zone in a small local population in central Bosnia and Herzegovina

Jasmin Musanovic, Azra Metovic, Adnan Fojnica, Jasmin Sutkovic, Tarik Ikanovic, Perica Vasiljevic, Damir Marjanovic


This study investigates the genetic diversity and relatedness among a small local population in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In a genetic research study, a sample of 38 individuals was collected from the village of Vukotići, consisting of 21 male and 17 female subjects. The total genomic DNA was extracted using a modified Miller protocol. The QUANTIFILER DNA identification kit was used to quantify the total human DNA in the sample. The sibship relationship was assessed by computing the likelihood ratio for each of the 15 STR loci in both relatives and non-relatives. Results showed a higher homogeneity of the small local population compared to the mixed population within the larger population. Variability in peak height observed in the genetic analysis was attributed to differences in DNA concentration in the extracted samples. Probability of relatedness among participants in the Vukotići village was found to be low. Central tendency and variability measures revealed valuable insights into sample distribution and variation. The study concludes that CSI=1 and CSI=3 can be used as reliable tools to determine sibship in small local populations without a "gray zone".


Genetic Diversity, DNA identification; 15 STR; Gray zone; Likelihood ratio

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Copyright (c) 2023 Jasmin Musanovic, Azra Metovic, Adnan Fojnica, Jasmin Sutkovic, Tarik Ikanovic, Perica Vasiljevic, Damir Marjanovic

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ISSN: 2303-4521

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/pen

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