Analysis of the thermal sensation in single-family home from microclimatic monitoring: Case study Bucaramanga Colombia

Javier Ascanio, Brayan Eduardo Tarazona Romero, Camilo Leonardo Sandoval Rodriguez, Omar Lengerke Pérez, Luis Alfonso Betancur Arboleda


The present work describes the experimentation of monitoring for the finding of the heat index and the individual thermal sensation, where the behavior of the real temperature in the exterior and interior of a conventional single-family house with a warm and temperate climate in Colombia was analyzed. The detailed monitoring campaign is carried out for 2880 hours, where the conditions of the interior area of the house and the local climatic conditions of the area are recorded, through the implementation of a thermohydrometers registration system. The methodology for the calculation of the sensation of heat and thermal comfort was determined under the adjusted equation of cooling power of Leonardo Hill and Morikofer-Davos, applied in the analyses of the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies - IDEAM. The results showed a thermal sensation of dissatisfaction of 97.7%, because with the monitored temperature the thermal sensation is calculated yielding in 1382.4 hours with very hot, 1151.6 hours of hot and 280.8 hours of warm thermal sensation.


Evaluation thermic; Comfort; balance thermic; simulation and transmittance.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Javier Ascanio, Brayan Eduardo Tarazona Romero, Camilo Leonardo Sandoval Rodriguez, Omar Lengerke Pérez, Luis Alfonso Betancur Arboleda

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ISSN: 2303-4521

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/pen

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