E-government based on the blockchain technology, and the evaluation of its transaction through the number of transactions completed per second

Zainab Ali Kamal, Rana Fareed


Blockchain technology is one of the basic technologies for securing data sharing and storage across peer-to-peer systems in a distributed and untrusted network. Information is stored in electronic governance, which is considered sensitive data about citizens and companies and is the focus of external attacks. E-government has one point of failure and depends on centralization, and the decision is in the hands of one party or one official. Therefore, a secure and distributed electronic system for e-governance based on blockchain technology has been proposed. The system consists of several entities, organizations or nodes responsible for consensus to make decisions. Users are given the right to raise a transaction or send a request. The transaction is evaluated by auditors, and the citizen acquires a smart contract as a way out. The proposed system was compared with electronic governance systems without the use of blockchain technology. The proposed system was tested and compared with the previous systems, and it was found that the proposed system was superior in terms of security, the speed of processing the transaction and the time of filing the transaction.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21533/pen.v10i1.2726


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Copyright (c) 2022 Zainab Ali Kamal, Rana Fareed

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ISSN: 2303-4521

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/pen

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