EvaScrum: An assessment instrument to support the diagnosis of Scrum – results of two case studies

César Pardo, Wilson Ortega, Hmailton Jojoa, Ricardo A. Zambrano


The purpose of the process evaluation is to obtain relevant information in a qualitative and quantitative way about the current state in which a process is to support processes of evolution and continuous improvement. Scrum is one of the most used agile approaches, however, there some aspects that can hinder its implementation, e.g., lack of detail of artefacts and meetings that raises, including the timetables, application of the approach, among others. In this sense, and in order to facilitate the success in the implementation of Scrum, this paper presents EvaScrum, an assessment instrument that provides the opportunity to professionals and consultants to assess and diagnose the degree of implementation of Scrum through questions, metrics, a spreadsheet and a Web application. EvaScrum is based on Mr. Scrum; a reference model which provides a clear and complete set of process elements based on Scrum and EvaScrumTOOL, a web tool to manage the assessments. This paper presents the detailed analysis of two case studies in software development enterprises where EvaScrum was applied. The results obtained have allowed case study enterprises to identify improvement opportunities to carry out in the processes and projects where Scrum is being applied, all this, in a practical, useful and suitable manner which allow these types of enterprises, to assess and diagnose their implementations of Scrum with feasible resources both time and economically.


Scrum, Assessment, Software industry, Case studies, Software process improvement (SPI)

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21533/pen.v9i3.2188


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Copyright (c) 2021 César Pardo, Wilson Ortega, Hmailton Jojoa, Ricardo A. Zambrano

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