Enhancement of educational services by using the internet of things applications for talent and intelligent schools

Duha Khalid Abdul-Rahman Al-Malah, Hussein Hamed Khudair Jinah, Haider Th. Salim ALRikabi


This study deals with the issue of improving educational services for schools of talent and intelligence. The availability of devices, equipment, sensors, and the Internet of things applications led to a direct contribution to improve the level of student education. In addition, the students can complete the tasks and homework easily. The talented and intelligent students are more efficient, skilled, and active. In addition, they are Deeping to understand virtual reality and coexist with it with awareness and consciousness of the development period of information, the spread of equipment, and smart devices. Educational entities achieved their goals by graduating intelligent students who can join the labor market and contribute to the development of the country. In this research, the important features of the Internet of things that are available in the educational environment were studied, and how to get the benefit from them in developing educational services and scientific research service. The Developing of artificial intelligence capabilities, building the right management strategies and creating comprehensive (security, health, and economic) databases that can be relied upon with complete reliability.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21533/pen.v8i4.1744


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Copyright (c) 2020 Duha Khalid Abdul-Rahman Al-Malah, Hussein Hamed Khudair Jinah, Haider Th. Salim ALRikabi

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ISSN: 2303-4521

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/pen

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