Using AI in wireless communication system for resource management and optimisation

Huda Abdalkaream Mardan, Suad Kakil Ahmed


The existence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be seen in everyday scenarios. Nowadays, the produced data by both machine and human is overwhelming in which exceeded the ability of humans to understand and digest to make decisions depending on that data. Thus, a hand of help from AI is needed to overcome such challenges. The 5G LTE communication system is a promising solution to provide a high user experience in terms of the provided speed, amount of data, and cost. However, and due to its complexity, the technology of LTE needs some improvement in terms of resource management and optimization. With the aid of AI, these two challenges can be overcome. In this paper, the AI represented by improved Q-learning algorithm with the Self-Organizing Network (SON) concept in LTE will be used to manage and optimize Handover (HO) parameters and process in the system. The ns-3 simulator result shows that AI managed to improve and optimize the LTE system performance.

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ISSN: 2303-4521

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/pen

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