Adopting some statistical methods in studying Iraqis immigration behavior

Anwaar Dhiaa Abdul Kareem, Sabah Haseeb Hasan


This article dealt with the topic of adopting statistical methods in studying the behavior of the Iraqi immigration, especially the multiple regression method in determining the most important factors that affect this phenomenon. The results showed that statistical methods have a great ability to characterize the phenomenon of migration by defining a multiple regression model for the impact of some factors such as gross domestic product, gross domestic product per capita and the size of the population in Iraq on the migration. Parameters of the model have been estimated using the ordinary least squares method and two stage least squares method. As it was estimated the amount of the impact of each of the factors included in the model on the migration, as well as the direction of the impact of each factor, whether these effects are negative or positive. All tests and statistical criteria indicated the significance of the effects of the factors included in the model and the high quality of the estimated regression model. Therefore, the responsible authorities in Iraq must rely on statistical methods to develop plans and solutions to control the phenomenon of migration and the factors that affect it.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Anwaar Dhiaa Abdul Kareem, Sabah Haseeb Hasan

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ISSN: 2303-4521

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/pen

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