The development of the City of Kirkuk according to strategies for sustainable development

Qubad Sabah Haseeb


This study is summarized in the need to identify the problems of the city of Kirkuk as a case study, through a questionnaire conducted separate samples of the sons of the city of Kirkuk, in particular, staff in different districts in the city, in order to attempt to formulate policies and frameworks for the development of the city of Kirkuk, according to the general framework of sustainable planning, through creating balance and justice of land and public transport and distribution service buildings according to the population density of the city which is in the process of increasing population growth and remarkable. The study also aims to the need to preserve the environment and resources and wealth of the city of Kirkuk and the need to reduce the pollution through the identification of areas that can be further elaborated by the profusion of greenery to be therefore green belt surrounding the city to have an important role in the preservation of the environment. And through the indicators that have been drawn, which were represented as a group of points on the most important problems of the city, then take the recommendations of a holistic and harmonious with the sustainable planning policies in the framework of sustainable development, which means the various walks of life.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Qubad Sabah Haseeb

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ISSN: 2303-4521

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/pen

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